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International Business Capital ("IBC")

We have established a strong team which consist of experts from various industry such as finance, wealth management, capital markets, private equity and other related industries.

This is further reinforced by the experience and knowledge of both local and international advisors involved, with more than 50 years of experience collectively.


Chief Investment Officer of IBC

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Chief Investment Officer
Dr. Serge Pierre Besanger

Dr. Serge Pierre Besanger serves as the Chief Investment Officer for IBC, lending his in-depth knowledge and expertise in global economics and finance to steer the strategic growth of IBC around the world. He is a Senior Consulting Expert with the IMF and a professor of finance at HEC Business School, ranked 2nd globally by the Financial Times.  He earned an MBA from ESSEC Business School ranked 3rd globally by the Financial Times and a PhD in applied mathematics from Sorbonne University. 


His accolades include the following:


  • Awarded the Emerson award and Singapore 100 awards for Return on Assets

  • Awarded the Leroy-Somer Award for Highest Return on Equity

  • Official Commendation from CEO of Emerson, Charles F. Knight for expanding markets

  • Official Commendation from the Leroy Foundation generating consistent extraordinary returns at the

    Leroy-Somer business units

  • Official Commendation from former French President Jacques Chirac in role as Chairman of the

    Councilors of Foreign Trade and strengthening the image of France

  • Recipient of the Médaille d’honneur des affaires étrangères (Honour Medal of Foreign Affairs) by the Republic of France, in a ceremony that was held on 17 January 2022 for exceptional devotion to service in France and/or foreign soil


His appointments include the following:

  • Director of the IMF’s Singapore subsidiary (a JV with the Monetary Authority of Singapore) during the Asian crisis

  • Formerly a Risk Management officer with Bank of Boston, focusing on lending to Tech SMEs in America and Europe.

  • Consulting expert with IMF and World Bank on Fintech, Blockchain, etc.

  • Advising the IMF and World Bank on risk scoring for banks and Fintech companies and how to implement Blockchain and expand the use of Cloud Money in selected Asian and African countries.

  • Advising regulators such as the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.

  • Author of IMF WP00-115 IMF Working Papers.

  • Co-author of the banking regulation and risk scoring courses at the IMF Institute.

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